Blowing Away

He turned 5 yesterday.
My world, personal lil' hurricane of love.
My heart, the one that
that-he-tap-dances-on and
thru-my-soul, the one that
lives like a livewire, 
fully exposed, throbbing,
laughing, breathing everything in,
pandemic and Petri dish of the pre-k world, too--
Ughhhh, what can I do?
Freeze Frame?  
A spell to stop him from growing up
while the brainiacs hurry up and
de-pandemify our world
so we can then go back to our
regularly scheduled lives?
Where's my bloody wand....
I can't even....
Let him blow out that candle
and re-light it, do it
and again
and again
(which I could honestly watch forever)
each time feeling like the first time.
Priceless. Perfect. My compass and my Why.
Blowing away every time while we sing. 
"Sing a song, make it simple...."
Song of happy, of boy, of slime, of stinky feet, 
of the megalodon and the alligator and the zombies that 
always seem to follow right behind Mommy's car....
of sticky fingers, of shredded t-shirts, of cars, of favorite shows,
of painting, of dart balls, of cookies, of pancakes, and spaghetti and meatballs.
of life, of hope, of jumping into my arms to tell me all about your day.
of promise "To Infinity and Beyond."
Mommy-hood and Mama Bear  
elated, glorified, and worried
beyond any realm of words known to humanity
in any tongue.

I see, feel, hear, know of the things
that go bump in the night.
And other things that tend to wreck lives, 
the world, and are Curiouser and Curiouser
happening faster and more devastating than usual.
Time out? Halftime? Uncle?

My dreams come true, however odd,
however dreamy or gruesome they be.
The eyes have it, so they say.
And mine have veil lifted,
as that is the way with me.
Makes me other, sensitive, exposed,
vulnerable in youth as am now.
Harnessing such vision and sensitivity
while channeling for true purpose
comes with a price higher than you could know.
And both path and person is often lonely and misunderstood.
That's fine. really. 
It's ok, I understand and I'm good with it all.

By all except for my truest heart outside my chest
the one that clarifies all the rest
and brings it all into sharpest precision
and aims me like the tool that I am.
right into the fray
of the pandemic and the chaos
of today. 
All the while while cuddling with 
him close, ever closer, 
nuzzling his ear as he sleeps
and I watch over his dreamtime,
praying to the universe
to keep him ever strong, healthy, 
joyful yet full throttle handful of high octane non-stop
curiosity-mixed-with-screaming-body-slamming and learning.
Because he knows stuff. 
And he'll teach me. He promised.
And he teaches me far more than I could ever hope
to teach him. 
Time. Not nearly enough time for all that I want for him.
Brimming with light, laughter, always smirking mischief 
and dramatic eyerolls. ALWAYS.
Love, happiness, caring and hugs that he brings 
to everyone he meets.

When he looks at me, in the quiet moments, he takes my 
breath away...for a fleeting moment
drown in the brown of his gaze and see myself
as I bumblingly endeavor to be but painfully know
I am not. Not yet. Work in progress. LOT of work.
It's incredible. Hasn't been done before (by me at least)
in the history of my being a mother.

Though pandemic clears the streets,
covers our lips, poops the parties,
"huggus interruptus," 
and the most precious things best experienced
all together, in person, cuddled, closer, 
feeling the bond of love, 
of family both near and far.

Oh, my dear, weird, wild, wacky World,
I humbly submit
that the screen is 
NOT mightier than the hug, 
but a phantom copy of 
the real, true thing.
Yes, it's handy, 
and I know there's already
more than one app for that, 
but nobody discusses
the price that we, who are the World,
dearly pay and suffer.
People sniffle, deny, and die.
Masses shuffle in lines, 
standing in the blowing rain,
in the cold, for hours on end
for the proverbial possible cure
that is not a cure, just like Magritte's 
"This is not a pipe" but a version.
Weaker clone of a version not yet known
but will be. 

Life a la pandemic has become
altered carbon indeed
helping those in direst need
while praying my own are okay
unafraid, and safe.  
Masked, insanely sanitized, 
inside our bubble Family
getting creative and oh-so-flexible
with methods and behaviors,
yet the sleep and work things
or bills never wait, ever demanding
that we keep on keeping on, pound of flesh, 
even though, long out of gas, on fumes, 
almost to bone dry, take moment
of quiet at odd times and 
exhale, breathe, give thanks,
Watching his chubby, glittering smile
in my little video clip on my phone
is the worst best ever: I can't blow out
or re-light the candle or 
hug the damn screen. 
Technology obseen and
at times heard, mostly with sniffles 
and a nose blowing into a tissue. 
While I work, apart from him, 
it's all I have. 
Left wanting. 
As is this world
only if we let it.

Happy Birthday, my Angel, My Miracle....


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