
I stand here, quaking,
like those aspen you showed me,
unfinishing the poem
I cannot write.
Quaking--to feel warmth
in chilling breeze.
looking at Stars,
wonder how they still
manage to shine in the frigid night.
Do You shiver in solitude?
Can You get warm?
Show me how....

I lie here, stroking
my hair,
like the wind
in those mountains
you brought me to,
unfinishing the book
I cannot read.
Stroking--to feel passion
in sterile room.
looking at Sunset,
wonder how it still
manages to paint vibrant
on the dusty night.
Do You caress the land lovingly?
Can You still feel?
Show me how....

I turn here, streaming
with tears,
like that river we passed,
unfinishing the song
I cannot sing.
Streaming--to feel whole
in enormous bed.
looking at Waters,
wonder how they still manage
to surge through the endless night.
Do You pour out your sadness?
Can You forget?
Show me how....

(For JMS, original draft 8/8/96, rev 6/17/2015)


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