Mirror, Mirror
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
can you tell me where I am?
I've gone and lost myself somehow
don't know if I’ll get back again.
Get back to where I actually knew
and felt and lived where I belonged.
Where life was simple, good, not cruel
or missing everyone else. Just
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
can you show me how I am
here? They've gone. I'm alone now.
Don't feel I can begin again.
Begin to feel I actually know
and feel. and live. Where I belong.
My life uninterrupted…no,
My life uninterrupted…no,
it seems those days are long since gone.
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
can you show me when I am
supposed to get a clue--right now?
Don't know when I'll feel me again.
Begin to feel myself allow,
relax, unwind, let my guard down
just enough for it to show
before the tears come crashing down.
relax, unwind, let my guard down
just enough for it to show
before the tears come crashing down.
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
can you show me what I am
trying to do--as if you know.
DON'T tell me it’s all right again.
DON'T tell me it’s all right again.
Begin to be all right with all
this constant change, its ebb and flow
and knowing where I turn to call
upon You, searching high and low
this constant change, its ebb and flow
and knowing where I turn to call
upon You, searching high and low
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
can you show me who I am?
I’ve truly lost my mind, I think--
don’t imagine I’ll find it again.
I’ve truly lost my mind, I think--
don’t imagine I’ll find it again.
Begin to find another me
beneath the chopping of the waves.
A me that’s truer, that can be
braver, speaks up, misbehaves
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
can you show me why i am
so different, change. I'm not the same.
Don't worry--I'll be fine again.
Begin to what? Who? How? Where? When?!!
Well?? I'd really like to know....
Ugh, why do I bother!? ANSWER ME!
Stupid mirror, I've got to go....
Don't worry--I'll be fine again.
Begin to what? Who? How? Where? When?!!
Well?? I'd really like to know....
Ugh, why do I bother!? ANSWER ME!
Stupid mirror, I've got to go....
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OK, y'all have been kind enough to "hear me out"& n stuff, so let me know whatcha think, if I've rattled yer cage, voiced a shared thought or concern, or if you're gonna attain Enlightenment upon reading these DEEP THOUGHTS, or if ya think I'm just plumb WACKO--but please be decent in your expression of your sentiments, there's no need to sling mud, unless we're in POTTERY CLASS or at the BEACH! Thanks for reading n stuff...Laters!