LDS temples grow ever closer to members | Deseret News
Article link. LDS temples grow ever closer to members | Deseret News
Article by: Tad Walch, Editor, Deseret News
Photo credit: Jason Swensen, Deseret News
This is the latest Deseret News article printed today which focuses on the blessings of having a Mormon/LDS Temple closer to home. SPOILER ALERT: ummm, I'm in it (running away to hide behind the sofa, LOL)--such a humbling experience. I'm grateful to be able to share my perspective as a SO FLA LDS member, growing up quite far away from a Mormon Temple.
Enjoy :)
Article's photo slideshow
Article by: Tad Walch, Editor, Deseret News
Photo credit: Jason Swensen, Deseret News
This is the latest Deseret News article printed today which focuses on the blessings of having a Mormon/LDS Temple closer to home. SPOILER ALERT: ummm, I'm in it (running away to hide behind the sofa, LOL)--such a humbling experience. I'm grateful to be able to share my perspective as a SO FLA LDS member, growing up quite far away from a Mormon Temple.
Enjoy :)
Article's photo slideshow
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