41 years ago today
my parents met in a
bustling New York City courtroom.
Slender bride, stylish groom.
Incredibly beautiful. Tall.
Striking beyond measure.
Artfully framed collaged pictures
show a room full of smiling faces,
toasting glasses, cutting cake.
Takes me back
to that day there with them.
In the moment.
10 months ago
Mom lost her battle with the big C.
This anniversary tugged at me,
What to do, what to do,
what do to now....
When I asked
what he'd like to do this day,
Dad sadly huffed, stared,
ran his hand through his
chemo-thinning hair,
then he said,
"It doesn't mean anything now,
so it won't be celebrated anymore,
now that she's gone...."
Now more than ever
is reason to celebrate--
he's still here,
with us,
pulse, breathing, and all--
defying the odds and predictions,
sharing his life-learned lessons
in laughter, in tears, and
sometimes in pain
gaining wisdom collectively together,
as we've huddled closer,
hugging tighter,
loving harder
and stronger than before.
There's so much more to this day
than to say, "It takes two"
to make it happen.
It's happened.
Oh, it happened alright,
BOY, did it happen!
In such a BIG, BEAUTIFUL way.
Well, we're still here today.
And oh, so, much more
is to come for us all,
so we gather
at dinner tonight
and we toast
and cut cake
and hold hands
and remember
with laughter, with tears,
but no pain,
sharing memories
meant to share
and be shared
together forever
for days to come.
Raise your glass.
Lift your heart.
Share good times.
Live your life.
Happy 41st Anniversary, Mom and Dad!
Families are FOREVER....
Written by Eliza Jane Farley Gomez
Thursday, February 9, 2012
my parents met in a
bustling New York City courtroom.
Slender bride, stylish groom.
Incredibly beautiful. Tall.
Striking beyond measure.
Artfully framed collaged pictures
show a room full of smiling faces,
toasting glasses, cutting cake.
Takes me back
to that day there with them.
In the moment.
10 months ago
Mom lost her battle with the big C.
This anniversary tugged at me,
What to do, what to do,
what do to now....
When I asked
what he'd like to do this day,
Dad sadly huffed, stared,
ran his hand through his
chemo-thinning hair,
then he said,
"It doesn't mean anything now,
so it won't be celebrated anymore,
now that she's gone...."
Now more than ever
is reason to celebrate--
he's still here,
with us,
pulse, breathing, and all--
defying the odds and predictions,
sharing his life-learned lessons
in laughter, in tears, and
sometimes in pain
gaining wisdom collectively together,
as we've huddled closer,
hugging tighter,
loving harder
and stronger than before.
There's so much more to this day
than to say, "It takes two"
to make it happen.
It's happened.
Oh, it happened alright,
BOY, did it happen!
In such a BIG, BEAUTIFUL way.
Well, we're still here today.
And oh, so, much more
is to come for us all,
so we gather
at dinner tonight
and we toast
and cut cake
and hold hands
and remember
with laughter, with tears,
but no pain,
sharing memories
meant to share
and be shared
together forever
for days to come.
Raise your glass.
Lift your heart.
Share good times.
Live your life.
Happy 41st Anniversary, Mom and Dad!
Families are FOREVER....
Written by Eliza Jane Farley Gomez
Thursday, February 9, 2012
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OK, y'all have been kind enough to "hear me out"& n stuff, so let me know whatcha think, if I've rattled yer cage, voiced a shared thought or concern, or if you're gonna attain Enlightenment upon reading these DEEP THOUGHTS, or if ya think I'm just plumb WACKO--but please be decent in your expression of your sentiments, there's no need to sling mud, unless we're in POTTERY CLASS or at the BEACH! Thanks for reading n stuff...Laters!