See You Next Summer
I actually was requested to write something for an end-of-summer/back-to-school Church family (Ward) social several years ago....
A sprinkle on the cheek,
a rumble in the sky.
Pack up all the baskets,
Fall will soon be nigh.
Some sand sweeps past my face,
a gust blows through the trees.
Shake out all the blankets,
Summer's on its knees.
Much shorter days of light,
an empty beach by day.
Tie down all the umbrellas,
Fall is on its way.
The kids will be in school
weathering the storms,
while everyone else works,
and the toursists start to swarm.
So wipe of all the sand,
while the setting sun becomes
a promise to remember
'Til next summer comes.
Written by Eliza Jane Farley (Gomez)
August 1999
A sprinkle on the cheek,
a rumble in the sky.
Pack up all the baskets,
Fall will soon be nigh.
Some sand sweeps past my face,
a gust blows through the trees.
Shake out all the blankets,
Summer's on its knees.
Much shorter days of light,
an empty beach by day.
Tie down all the umbrellas,
Fall is on its way.
The kids will be in school
weathering the storms,
while everyone else works,
and the toursists start to swarm.
So wipe of all the sand,
while the setting sun becomes
a promise to remember
'Til next summer comes.
Written by Eliza Jane Farley (Gomez)
August 1999
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OK, y'all have been kind enough to "hear me out"& n stuff, so let me know whatcha think, if I've rattled yer cage, voiced a shared thought or concern, or if you're gonna attain Enlightenment upon reading these DEEP THOUGHTS, or if ya think I'm just plumb WACKO--but please be decent in your expression of your sentiments, there's no need to sling mud, unless we're in POTTERY CLASS or at the BEACH! Thanks for reading n stuff...Laters!