Rub It In

Rub your dreams into my back
until they're real--
Until they curl around each synapse--
Until I feel
that you won't fade or disappear
with day.

Kiss your thoughts into my hair
until they're real--
Until they penetrate each strand--
Until I feel
that you won't loosen up and
roll away.

Squeeze your words into my skin
until they're real--
Until it quivers with each whisper--
Until I feel
that you won't leave the sheets cold
but just stay.

Written by Eliza Jane Farley Gomez
February 18, 2011


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OK, y'all have been kind enough to "hear me out"& n stuff, so let me know whatcha think, if I've rattled yer cage, voiced a shared thought or concern, or if you're gonna attain Enlightenment upon reading these DEEP THOUGHTS, or if ya think I'm just plumb WACKO--but please be decent in your expression of your sentiments, there's no need to sling mud, unless we're in POTTERY CLASS or at the BEACH! Thanks for reading n stuff...Laters!

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