
when words escape you
tongue twists and tangles,
scraping the
mindless, mangled mouth--
yet nothing comes out--
strangling shout--
moving and stammering you,
reducing your daily brilliance
blah blah blah blah.

'Scuse me?

You heard me!
Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah!
Say what?!
What was that?

didn't quite catch that,
sounds just squirming
all over the place,
feeling their way around,
up and down,
noise and sound
bubbling, brewing, bouncing
around inside my mouth,
kickin' at my teeth to get out--
Hey, now!
Settle down!

Now, where was I....

wait, what was that?
Kinda tasty....
Not bad, not bad at all....

Don't nibble,
bite, just chomp down.
Like you mean it.
You know you want it.
Open up wide, now--
say, "Ahhhh."

Mouth watering,
dripping goodness
oozing ripe fullness of
being everything
you wanna say or do,
but won't, can't or don't,
right there,
there!On the tip of your tongue
burning, sizzling,
tingling me
outta my mind,
right down to my toes,
'cuz it's my mind-over-body
that knows that
it really only tastes
as good as you are,
as long as you got enough
hot air inside you
to carry whatever
you're gonna say or do
up, up and away, or
out into the day
either way...

I'm just sayin'....

I dunno....
tastes like it's not done yet,
like something's missing, or
maybe it needs a little more time
to simmer.....

Is that my body
tellin' my mind
to take time to
step back, 
to think before jumping
into action?

Think before Speak
or EXPLODE at the mouth
with words so upsurd,
that hurl anger, hurt and pain
down like rain,
can't take 'em back again
those tiny daggers
invisible to the eye,
but all too real for
hearts to feel,
to tear up,
and cry.

My, oh, my...
Don't even try it.

Open up,
Nah ah, ahhhh,
Think again--
take a breath,
take a moment.
let it out.
All of it.
Let that cat
get your tongue
now and then.
Be Still.
Surrender to silence.
Stretch, linger.
Try it, you'll like it.

Hmmm, sorry....
What did you say?

Who, me?
Not a dang thing....

Written January 11, 2011
By Eliza Jane Farley Gomez


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OK, y'all have been kind enough to "hear me out"& n stuff, so let me know whatcha think, if I've rattled yer cage, voiced a shared thought or concern, or if you're gonna attain Enlightenment upon reading these DEEP THOUGHTS, or if ya think I'm just plumb WACKO--but please be decent in your expression of your sentiments, there's no need to sling mud, unless we're in POTTERY CLASS or at the BEACH! Thanks for reading n stuff...Laters!

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