Merry New Yeahhhhh!
Am I the only one who has absolutely NO IDEA where the year 2010 went??!!!
Seriously, people, it flew by at like MEGA WARP SPEED!!!!!
Massively DISLIKE!
Especially since the most beautiful sunset I'd seen in a Looooong time was the VERY LAST ONE of the year! Take a look at this:
Is that GORGEOUS or what??!! Wow.....
Ok, that being said, now, I tried starting off the New Year right--
spent the evening/morning with family and friends--CHECK--errr, well, partially--Mom, Dad, and Brudooski are way over in Houston, while the Hubby and I are over here in SoFLA--so we were kindly enough invited to spend the New Year with Jon and Gilma at their swanky lil' pad down in Midtown, on Biscayne Bay...not bad, not bad at all!!
Dress up all velvety-sparkly-painted pretty--CHECK!
Did the traditional CHEERS thing--CHECK!
Did the traditional KISS the loved one at the stroke of midnight--CHECK--I LOVVVVE this part, gettin to SMOOOCH my man :)
Did the traditional watching the fireworks thing--CHECK!! OK, my crackberry camera didn't do justice to how awesome they were--we saw the fireworks from SoBe, Fisher Island, Bayfront Park/Bayside, Coral Gables, and like 4 other places from my pals' balcony--Like I said, "Not bad, not bad at all"....
Did the traditional clinking (or if you're like us with the plastic flutes, CRACKING) of glasses--CHECK!
Did the traditional take-a-gulp-o'-non-alcoholic-sparkling-cider--CHECK (ha ha, I bet y'all forgot I'm a Mormon n stuff!!!)
Did the traditional eating the dozen grapes thing--CHECK--if you live in S. Florida and don't know about this, ask any of yer Latin-type friends n neighbors--ask yerself first--are ya SURE ya live in S. FLA??!
OK, so I did all that, so now I get a HAPPY NEW YEAR, right???
Here's to a wonderful, healthy, bright, happy, joyous, memory-filled, loving New Year for 2011!!
Make it What You Will....
Seriously, people, it flew by at like MEGA WARP SPEED!!!!!
Massively DISLIKE!
Especially since the most beautiful sunset I'd seen in a Looooong time was the VERY LAST ONE of the year! Take a look at this:
Is that GORGEOUS or what??!! Wow.....
Ok, that being said, now, I tried starting off the New Year right--
spent the evening/morning with family and friends--CHECK--errr, well, partially--Mom, Dad, and Brudooski are way over in Houston, while the Hubby and I are over here in SoFLA--so we were kindly enough invited to spend the New Year with Jon and Gilma at their swanky lil' pad down in Midtown, on Biscayne Bay...not bad, not bad at all!!
Dress up all velvety-sparkly-painted pretty--CHECK!
Did the traditional CHEERS thing--CHECK!
Did the traditional KISS the loved one at the stroke of midnight--CHECK--I LOVVVVE this part, gettin to SMOOOCH my man :)
Did the traditional watching the fireworks thing--CHECK!! OK, my crackberry camera didn't do justice to how awesome they were--we saw the fireworks from SoBe, Fisher Island, Bayfront Park/Bayside, Coral Gables, and like 4 other places from my pals' balcony--Like I said, "Not bad, not bad at all"....
Did the traditional clinking (or if you're like us with the plastic flutes, CRACKING) of glasses--CHECK!
Did the traditional take-a-gulp-o'-non-alcoholic-sparkling-cider--CHECK (ha ha, I bet y'all forgot I'm a Mormon n stuff!!!)
Did the traditional eating the dozen grapes thing--CHECK--if you live in S. Florida and don't know about this, ask any of yer Latin-type friends n neighbors--ask yerself first--are ya SURE ya live in S. FLA??!
OK, so I did all that, so now I get a HAPPY NEW YEAR, right???
Here's to a wonderful, healthy, bright, happy, joyous, memory-filled, loving New Year for 2011!!
Make it What You Will....
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OK, y'all have been kind enough to "hear me out"& n stuff, so let me know whatcha think, if I've rattled yer cage, voiced a shared thought or concern, or if you're gonna attain Enlightenment upon reading these DEEP THOUGHTS, or if ya think I'm just plumb WACKO--but please be decent in your expression of your sentiments, there's no need to sling mud, unless we're in POTTERY CLASS or at the BEACH! Thanks for reading n stuff...Laters!