Spirit’s Divide
I'm a shield
and protection,
my choice and election
Yet, it Pure,
purely burns inward,
Lesson learns me to
all the air in the room--
It's too much,
much too soon….
Why right now?
I'm not ready.
How to harness
this truth?
And I stand,
taken in,
with a spin.
It begins….
Knowing grin--
I can't win.
Full of sin
Pumping thick
in my blood….
So I stand,
Lock my love
Gaze above….
And it's real,
really there
in my flesh,
tries to tear,
Bear me up
deep inside
through my Spirit's divide.
Promptings strong,
wake my night--
I must now
bare my soul,
Choose the Right
by the Light
of the Moon.
Shadows soon
catch the tune of
my thoughts.
immune me from
turning away—
So I stay at the Front
And I pray,
Pray my feet give no way--
Flex my faith
In the Dawn
of the Son.
Feeble crust of His Bread
Tastes pure hope
in my head.
Soaks me up to the
Very last drop…
Human cup that
Just to—
taste, smell, and think
in this skin that's so warm
with this place.
Fills my heart
with the love of His face--
His face, that I know
like my own,
Soul remembering…
long ago, not unknown.
And I stand.
I am one,
one who sees
through the forest
of Being
this life—
it makes sense…
Sense to me
I am ready.
I am come
here, to witness,
in song.
Pure forgiveness,
The truth of all things
in our time.
About time….
Finally, Flowing, Free--
Freely shaping—now, BE….
My soul, shield, protection
My choice, my election
My Life.
My decision.
My ME.
Written by Eliza Jane Farley Gomez
9/17/08, rev. 8/11/10
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OK, y'all have been kind enough to "hear me out"& n stuff, so let me know whatcha think, if I've rattled yer cage, voiced a shared thought or concern, or if you're gonna attain Enlightenment upon reading these DEEP THOUGHTS, or if ya think I'm just plumb WACKO--but please be decent in your expression of your sentiments, there's no need to sling mud, unless we're in POTTERY CLASS or at the BEACH! Thanks for reading n stuff...Laters!