I feel you
Throughout my day,
In and out,
And I feel so warm inside….
You keep me warm
Arm draped over my waist
Feeling you think of me
Tingles you through to me
Heart on the brink of your warmth….
Flow through my mind
Helps me unwind
Our thoughts, intertwined,
Felt as one.
I see you
Throughout the night,
Close my eyes,
Let images of you flicker,
Dance and glow,
Like my own personal nightlight
And I know.
Turn into me,
Pull up our blanket
And smile, cuddle closer,
Trace peace down the curve
Of my back.
Tickle backs of my eyes
With dark, wordless smolderings
That keeps body and soul
Burning in tune with our bond.
Blinking, you turn layers
Like the pages of me,
Not meant to be seen by
The rest of the world.
I hear you
Throughout my dreams,
Snuggle up in my sighs,
Feel your skin on my thighs,
Know your cool
Makes my warm
Warmer still.
Ever still.
Whispers of
Whiskered breath brush,
Softly fill up my head,
Reach me out
Lean to embracing
Deep rumbles,
Your sweet music that
Wanders me free,
Freely frolic in the
Plush feeling
Of you and me.
I taste you
Throughout my thoughts,
Rolling the tip of my tongue,
Swish souled saliva
Around my mind's mouth.
Mouth watering….
Still there,
Right where I left you lingering,
Lazy this morning….
Stretch back in my chair,
Lean my face into your hand
Caress, stir, understand
Those rich, pregnant flavors that
Blend, pouring, mend
All the worn patches of me
Nibbling morsels,
Just savor the true
Meaning of
Me and You.
I smell you
Throughout my skin,
Slow smile spreading
Settling into
The cracked musty surfaces.
That is me, now….
Grounded, unguarded.
Catch a whiff of me
Catching my breath at your gaze
Here now with me, not gone,
Just a trace of
Your musk in my hair
Rubs me raw where you've
Healed me to you
I love you
Throughout my life
And beyond--
Wipe the pain
From the tears of my soul--
Ones I can never control--
Over and over again.
I can't explain it quite right;
But, the heart that you hold Me with--
The kiss that you hush Me with--
The hands that you take Me with-
Your love that you fold Me with….
Patiently holding me close--
Makes me whole
From my soul, inside out,
Safe and warm,
Round about, both of us
I feel you always,
I feel you in me.
Copyright ©2010 by Eliza Jane Farley Gomez
Eliza Jane Farley Gomez April 14, 2010
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OK, y'all have been kind enough to "hear me out"& n stuff, so let me know whatcha think, if I've rattled yer cage, voiced a shared thought or concern, or if you're gonna attain Enlightenment upon reading these DEEP THOUGHTS, or if ya think I'm just plumb WACKO--but please be decent in your expression of your sentiments, there's no need to sling mud, unless we're in POTTERY CLASS or at the BEACH! Thanks for reading n stuff...Laters!