Ode to Pink Suede-- #909B

You know, it's truly amazing the amount of joy that comes from 99 cent lipstick. Seriously. Even now. These days you can't even buy gas for a buck, or candy, either; and almost nothing at the dollar store costs a buck these days (unless it's full of lead or other savory tidbits for us Consumers to enjoy)--know what I'm saying?
So, the giddy feeling that fills me up whenever I find my precious 99 cent lipstick is a welcomed distraction to the economic woes we're all facing (at least, to me). Hey, what can I say, call it a cheap thrill--I'm guilty as charged!!
Mmmmmmmm, mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm...gotta love me some Pink Suede, baybee...only a dollar, and yet it slicks over my lips, caressing them, bathing them in creamy, frosty, makes-ya-wanna-nibble-me color. Not quite a pink, not quite a brown, not a freakish color--just the right balance of lucious, satiny goodness....all of this PURE PLEASURE for a buck! WOOO HOOO!!!!
OK, I know this sounds funny, maybe even a bit cheap (as my darlin' hubby states, "not cheap, INEXPENSIVE!!"). But, ladies--(and you know who you are--callin all my fellow drugstore junkie divas out there) c'mon, admit it: makeup treasures don't have to be expensive to be good. I slather on my cheapie-but-goodie stuff right along with my high-end department counter stuff (i.e., mix my Wet-n-wild and L'Oreal with my Bobbie Brown, Smashbox, MAC, and others) to create the PERFECTION that c'est moi!!!! And, NOBODY but me knows!! (Well, ok, now y'all know that I'm both a Philosophy Girl and a Wet-n-Wild Baby!!) The best of both worlds :)
Flashback to the '80s--Ground Zero for "L'eau de Aqua Net," bright pink shimmery lipstick, BLUE eyeshadow (because a girl can never have enough blue eyeshadow!), shoulder pads under EVERY article of clothing, Ray-Bans, cropped jackets, gold chains, Miami Vice, pegged, acid-washed jeans; and of course, the iconic MOVIES and MUSIC...::sigh::yup, those were the good ol' days...but, alas, I digress....
Well, during this gilded era rose Wet-n-Wild Cosmetics...every drugstore across the country had it, we crammed our bucket bags full of eyeliners, lipliners, lipsticks, lipgloss, and nail polish--it's only a buck, come on, we're all about CHOICES!! And, these were the days that the more frost and glitter, the better--the glossier and goopier, the better-and so emerged the art of swishing and swirling lip gloss over your lipstick, smacking that pucker all throughout class and annoying teachers nationwide (but, hey, it sure kept you awake during Geometry class and made your lips oh-so-invitingly kissable, that's for sure!). Tryyyy it, you'll LUVVV it. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful....
Well, we all grow up, go on to college, move out and onto the REAL WORLD (haaa! "Where people stop being nice and start being REAL" ummm, alrighty then), where we pull up our big girl panties, big girl agendas, our big girl confidence, and stylishly strut our way into professionalism. Whatever that is...."Phenomenal Woman, that's me...."
Then, one night, after work, on your way home, you pop into your friendly neighborhood drugstore (for, like me, you've never met a drugstore ya didn't like); cruise through the aisles, browsing the bargains on your way to pick up a Coke Zero (trusty little caffeine drip) and the latest People or Us (because it's awfully hard to resist the temptation of turning pages of eye candy and gossip--they simply beckon you to buy them!)....as you round the corner and head towards the checkout counter, BAM!!!! The blinding silver flash of the Wet-n-Wild display captures you, catapulting you back to the drama that was high school (yes, it was quite musical, but no, NO ZAC EFRON!!), you stand transfixed on the linoleum, oogling the sleekly-packaged lipsticks, when something quite lovely catches your eye...you lean over, hovering just over the color chart, squinting to see the shades....straining just a bit...longer.... eyes dilating, pulse quickening and your lips tingling in anticipation....almost....there...it...is, not pink, not brown, not glittery, not matte, it's...... Pink Suede...and...it...is... PERFECT!........YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!
And, it's ON SALE, so 2 for 1--it's definitely double MY pleasure.....Ohhh myyyyyy.....:::fanning myself and clearing her throat n stuff:::
Funny, the cashier didn't really know what to make of my bemused, satiated smile as I swiped my debit card and floated out the door....Mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm....so, I gotta ask: How ya like me now? MUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Copyright ©2010 by Eliza Jane Farley Gomez
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