It's all about Hands....

Hmmmm....It's been awhile, and, while I don't exactly have a "devout" clamoring group of followers on this blog thing, not posting something regularly has really bugged me--for a couple of reasons...First of all, I promised myself I was going to try to write a book this year (i.e., "the year of the book")....I was actually going to take a week off, sequester myself somewhere over on the ocean and drag it out of me by the roots...well, my goal was to begin by the end of, since I couldn't really end up taking that time in January; I felt this blog thing would be a nice daily exercise in getting into the writing a non-poetical sorta dedicate a time each day, spending at least 20-30 minutes daily just writing whatever flies into my vacutainer/cabezita :) So I was off...writing.... Well, I got sidetracked by ending one stressful job (actually somewhat of a milestone), beginning a brave-new world jobbie job, life just sorta...