
Showing posts from April, 2010

Day Of Service 2010

(Pictured: a Team of volunteers in Boynton Beach, Florida, painting a home for Rebuilding Together of the Palm Beaches, as part of National Rebuild Day.) People Have the Power to Make Miracles Happen Personal Reflections About the Pompano Beach Florida Stake Projects By: Eliza Jane Farley Gomez, Director of Public Affairs, Pompano Beach Florida Stake, April 27, 2010 What does it mean to be a Zion People …. Ever think about that? I do, a lot , and maybe I'm strange for doing so…. OK, I love to read, (I have already previously established that I'm a bookworm), so I read my scriptures a lot…. But, when you read the scripture that says, "And the Lord called his people ZION, for they were of one heart, and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness, and there were no poor among them;" It makes you wonder.... just how a "people" go about doing all that….seriously…. I mean, we live in the days that kids have their very own handheld video games and mp3 players, so they...

Twenty Minutes More

Twenty minutes more-- sighhhhhhinnnnggg to keep dreaming as i sleep, sleeping you to me… eyes go right thru me, arms go around me, skin sticks against me…. you linger in the air, just out of reach-- not really there…. reaching. reaching. reaching.... I DO. beseech thee-- give me twenty minutes more, before the alarm can do any harm to the magic I feel-- your hot hands of steel touch me and heal EVERYTHING that hurt before-- before i knew how to deal with the hand i've been given. feeling. feeling. feeling.... i strrrretchhhhh to hold heaven in your eyes-- that seal all our words from the night before…. praying. praying. praying.... give me twenty minutes more more of that heart-felt-and-tingled-- soft part YOU mingled with ME in the dark-- staying. staying. staying.... did you hear my heart pounding at the start of your words-- saying. saying. saying.... never leave me stay love and keep me just-- love me, twenty ...


I feel you Throughout my day, In and out, And I feel so warm inside…. You keep me warm Arm draped over my waist Feeling you think of me Tingles you through to me Heart on the brink of your warmth…. Flow through my mind Helps me unwind Our thoughts, intertwined, Felt as one . I see you Throughout the night, Close my eyes, Let images of you flicker, Dance and glow, Like my own personal nightlight Inside. And I know . Turn into me, Pull up our blanket And smile, cuddle closer, Trace peace down the curve Of my back. Tickle backs of my eyes With dark, wordless smolderings That keeps body and soul Burning in tune with our bond. Blinking, you turn layers Like the pages of me, Not meant to be seen by The rest of the world. I hear you Throughout my dreams, Snuggle up in my sighs, Feel your skin on my thighs, Know your cool Makes my warm Warmer still. Ever still. Whispers of Whiskered breath brush, Softly fill up my head, Reach me out Lean to e...


Books and paper. That's what I'm talking about. Books And Paper…. How can you get the thrill of turning that page When there's no page to turn? Nowhere to burn The passion of the moment of the Action of the suspense Of the thought That's right around the corner On the Very NEXT Page. Hold that thought, Turn the page Smell the burning suspense Soak through the ink Makes you think Don't BLINK Or you'll MISS IT! There…. Ahhh….. Smell the Sweet Release of Reunion…. Just knew you'd Continue that thought. Fingers caress, stroke, Lingerly ginger the mind. Thumb the edges Flick, flip, hold, and TURN the Words upon words Thought after thought. Hands hold, rub, absently Trace down the spine of the story, Tease words into meaning more than the paper and ink on the page-- so much more than mere Books and paper. That's what I'm talking about. Slipping pieces of ribbon, Cloth, softly frayed yarn Snuggled into the ...