Day Of Service 2010

(Pictured: a Team of volunteers in Boynton Beach, Florida, painting a home for Rebuilding Together of the Palm Beaches, as part of National Rebuild Day.) People Have the Power to Make Miracles Happen Personal Reflections About the Pompano Beach Florida Stake Projects By: Eliza Jane Farley Gomez, Director of Public Affairs, Pompano Beach Florida Stake, April 27, 2010 What does it mean to be a Zion People …. Ever think about that? I do, a lot , and maybe I'm strange for doing so…. OK, I love to read, (I have already previously established that I'm a bookworm), so I read my scriptures a lot…. But, when you read the scripture that says, "And the Lord called his people ZION, for they were of one heart, and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness, and there were no poor among them;" It makes you wonder.... just how a "people" go about doing all that….seriously…. I mean, we live in the days that kids have their very own handheld video games and mp3 players, so they...